Facebook Compliant Copy
Published by: David Garfinkel on 06-29-2020
Our guest today is Harlan Kilstein. He’s a copywriter, an entrepreneur, and a whole lot more.
Here are 7 facts you probably didn't know Harlan.
1. John Carlton and I took turns humiliating his copy when he got started. Unlike most people, he took the feedback and turned himself into a great copywriter.
2. He's an ordained rabbi.
3. His sidekick, who we hope you don't hear in the background is named Kalba. She's a Pomeranian. He name means Bitch in Hebrew.
4. He lost over 60 pounds doing Keto practicing what he preaches.
5. His office is a mega shrine to the singer Meat Loaf.
6. He has nearly 2 million followers on social media.
7. He would do anything for love but he won't do that.
I don’t know what “that” is, and hopefully we won’t find out on today’s show.
Harlan, welcome. And Kalba, please keep it down.
Here are the questions I brought to Harlan:
1. Big-picture, what are you doing for business on Facebook?
2. When did you first learn about Facebook compliance rules, and how did you find out?
3. What difference does it make — that is, how much more latitude do you have in your marketing — when you’re posting or advertising inside your own group?
4. What would you say are the two-three most important changes you’ve made in copy, both on and off Facebook — as a results of compliance rules? Could you give at least one before-after example?
5. What would you say are the biggest mistakes you see other people making regarding Facebook compliance?
6. Tell us about the Keto project I helped you with.
7. What additional advice do you have for copywriters and marketers, especially re: Facebook compliance?
If you're having issues with Facebook compliance and you can't figure out if it's your ad, your landing page or just that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like you, just send Harlan a message on FB.
Harlan on Facebook
Keywords: facebook ads copywriting