Copywriter-Fueled Product Creation, Part 2
Published by: David Garfinkel on 09-14-2020
Last week we talked about the Big Four questions you need to answer when you’re designing a new product you’d like to sell a lot of. You can also use these questions to fix a product that’s not selling very well.
As I said last week, I really got a lot out of interviewing my friend and former mentoring client Chris Haddad over the last two shows.
One of the things that struck me about what he said was: That he creates products exactly, or almost exactly, the way he writes sales letters and VSLs.
I’ve been doing that for so long myself that I had forgotten most people don’t know about this trick. And if they know about it, they don’t do it.
Then, a couple weeks ago, I did a consult for a client who wanted help planning a new product. I realized this would be the perfect opportunity to reverse-engineer what I did and share it with everyone who listens to the podcast.
This is information I’ve been using for years, but frankly it’s never occurred to me to share it before.
This week we’re going to drill down with seven detailed questions that really help you hone your product’s appeal. Especially after you’ve handled the Big Four questions that cover the big picture.
We’re continuing from where we left off last week. If you haven’t watched or listened to that show yet, it might be worthwhile to listen to it first before you listen to this one.
Now, I do a lot of copy consults for people, usually on their sales copy after they’ve got the product done and when they’re just about ready to launch. I’ve been able to help people avoid problems and also crank up higher sales with these consultations. But I would be able to help them a lot more if they brought me in at the time they were conceptualizing the product.
Most people don’t do that, but one client did last week. In light of what Chris Haddad told us in one of his interviews, I took a lot of notes on my questions. I’m keeping my client’s particular answers confidential, as I always do.
But as we get into the seven nitty-gritty questions this week, I’ll fill in answers for one of my products, and I’m hoping Nathan will have some experiences with his own products, or his clients’ products, early on enough in the development cycle so we can show you how this works.
These questions really force you to focus on what’s important to your prospect — what’s going to grab their attention right away, and hold it. Use them correctly, and they’ll end up thinking, “Wow! This product was built just for me!”
Keywords: copywriting, entrepreneurs