A-List Copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole Shares Career Secrets
Published by: David Garfinkel on 09-21-2020
Our guest today, Carline Anglade-Cole, is a top copywriter with a track record and a level of creativity anyone else would be jealous of.
Her latest book is called, “My Life as a 50+ White Male.” That’s because, as a biracial woman, Carline has successfully found a way to get into the mindset of her prospect. Which, as you can imagine, is quite different than she is!
I asked Carline if she would trace back the lessons of her career as an in-house copywriter for Phillips Publishing, and especially her mentorship with the late Clayton Makepeace.
She generously agreed, and that’s what we talked about. Here are the questions I asked her:
1. I’m going to guess most people outside direct marketing have no idea what a big publisher like Phillips even is (or was, since Phillips now has a different name). But I also imagine a lot of people in direct marketing who’ve never worked on staff for one of these big publishers think the organizations are different than they really are.
When people ask you about working on staff for a company like Phillips, what’s the biggest misconception you find they have -- and what was the reality for you?
2. You had the good fortune to have Clayton Makepeace as a mentor. Could you walk us through a few high points of what it was like to get a copy critique from Clayton?
3. Regarding copywriting, what was the most important thing Clayton every told you?
4. You say in your book that sometimes when you face a tough copy decision, you ask yourself, “What would Clayton do?” Could you tell us about a time or two that happened, what your thought process was, and what you ended up doing?
5. In your book, you write, “Anyone can learn to write in any niche.” Could you explain how that is even possible? (Your male potency supplement story would work well here, if you like.)
6. What’s your advice to women — especially, women of color — who want to make waves writing promo’s for the big publishers?
7. Tell us about your new book!
Carline’s new book: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Year-Old-White-Male-Direct-Response-ebook/dp/B08DJDDKPY
Keywords: copywriting for clients