The Wild, Weird, Profitable World of Daniel Throssell
Published by: David Garfinkel on 09-20-2021
I’m thrilled that our guest today is Daniel Throssell, a very unconventional and highly successful copywriter from Perth, Australia.
He’s the driving marketing force behind the blockbuster bestselling book The Barefoot Investor.
Daniel has a slew of very impressive testimonials on his site, to give you and idea of what other top people in copywriting are saying about him:
Our friend Ben Settle calls Daniel, “One of Australia’s top copywriters.”
Andrew Campbell, Harmon Brothers Ad Agency, writes,
“In my role, I work with some of the best writers in the world. When I saw your copy, I knew you were one of the best, too.”
And our friend Justin Blackman characterizes Daniel this way:
“A wacky, wacky man of tremendous talent.”
There’s one more person I’d like to mention in this intro, and that’s Copywriters Podcast subscriber Stuart Marmorstein. Stuart reached out to me personally and recommended Daniel. Stuart also helped us get in touch, and thanks for that.
Stuart was particularly impressed by Daniel’s Parallel Welcome Sequence, which kind of takes the first emails someone gets when they join your list -- and turns it on its head. That’s the first thing he’s going to tell us about today, along with some highlights from his tremendous book launch.
Daniel shared with us what he learned from the Barefoot Investor launch, and how it led to his Parallel Welcome Sequence… and how he uses a contrarian approach to “warm up” his own new subscribers, instead of cooling them down.
Plus, he shared more email tips that every copywriter and company can learn from… and use!
Daniel’s website is
He also revealed how be broke an ironclad rule of copy -- which is, don’t use humor -- and turned entertainment into a marketing plus for his business.
Keywords: email copywriting