Secrets of $10 Million Supplement Sales Letters, with Mike Pavlish, Part 2
Published by: David Garfinkel on 10-11-2021
We’re back with Mike Pavlish for part two of $10-million-plus sales letters, especially in the supplement industry.
As we mentioned last week, Mike is a superstar copywriter. He has written promotions for health supplements for some of the most successful supplement companies in the world, including Agora, Dr. Al Sears, Healthy Directions and many others.
Mike has also written for smaller entrepreneurs who sell supplements online.
All told, Mike’s sales letters and VSLs have sold more than half a billion dollars worth of supplements. Half a billion dollars.
Last week, Mike shared with us some incredibly valuable information about how to prepare before you start writing, and some insider tricks for getting your copy read and acted upon. But there’s so much more he has to share that we asked him to come back for a second show, and he agreed.
Today talked about a new set of really valuable techniques and ideas, including:
• How to use stories to draw in your prospect
• TWO types of mechanisms (first we’ve ever heard of this)
• The best ways to present proof
• How to maximize the perceived value of your product
• How to get a high average order value
Plus, a LOT more!
Mike’s website:
Keywords: copywriting masters