7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Writing Copy
Published by: David Garfinkel on 12-27-2021
So, with the year 2021 just days behind us, I thought it would be fun to reminisce about my early days as a copywriter. It was definitely a second career for me. I had started out as a business journalist.
Of course, not knowing anything about copywriting when I first started, I assumed writing copy couldn’t be all that different from writing news and feature stories, right?
I was about as wrong as I could be.
And, of course, I found out. I learned the hard way. I seem to have developed a knack for learning that way.
I don’t know if I can save any new copywriters from the painful lessons I had to learn the hard way, but hope springs eternal. And who knows, even experienced copywriters might remember something they had forgotten, or, get some new ideas from hearing the old truths.
Each of these things I talk about on today’s show are now like iron laws that I remember, observe and respect every time I sit down to write copy myself, or critique copy for my clients.
Copywriters Podcast Episode 174: Believability in Copywriting
youtube: https://youtu.be/FQS3JViJqn4
Keywords: newbie copywriters