Warming Up To Write Copy
Published by: David Garfinkel on 02-21-2022
One reason it's hard to write copy is when you start out, you've got so much in front of you, it can seem overwhelming.
Not only that, but just one you get in the groove for writing copy for one part of the letter or VSL, you have to shift gears.
That's because different sections of what you're writing have different rhythms. Each one has a different feel.
For example, a story needs to have good momentum to it. But it's not nearly as fast-paced as good closing copy is.
Today we're going to talk about some ways you can overcome this problem, and it has to do with warming up to write each section.
Just like if you were going to warm up to work out or go for a run, you can warm up to write each section of your copy differently. This will help you a lot, especially if you've got a big project and you feel like you're facing a brick wall.
We talked about Gene Schwartz’s big concept of copywriting: That it’s not “writing,” but in fact is really “assembling.” He mentioned this at a talk he gave to people at Rodale, which used to be a big publisher based almost entirely on direct-response marketing. They closed their doors five years ago, after 87 years in business.
When Gene Schwartz talked about assembling, he meant you have a bunch of little parts, and then you put them together. When you do this, it helps if you first have a structure -- that is, if you have an idea of which part goes where, and why it goes in that particular place.
But don't worry if you don't have that sense when you start. Because often the structure, in the same way as your headline and your hook do, will "reveal itself" as you work through other parts of the copy.
In today’s show, we talked about six “parts” you assemble. And we’ll talk about them in the order that they usually appear in a sales letter.
You may or may not want to do them in that order. We'll talk about that as we go through them.
We covered six key parts of copy, and talk about how and why to warm up for each one when you're first writing. They are: 1) headline, 2) lead, 3) bullets, 4) story, 5) closing copy, and 6) testimonials.
The reason you want to warm up is the same as why you'd warm up when you're working out — to loosen your muscles (in this case, your mental muscles), and to get the momentum of FLOW going.
Keywords: copywriting preparation