Metaphors That Sell, with Anne Miller
Published by: David Garfinkel on 01-09-2023
If you’ve ever wondered what a metaphor is and how to use metaphors in your copy, today you will get your questions answered. Because we have a guest who I consider to be the reigning expert on the question, Anne Miller.
She’s author of “The Tall Lady With The Iceberg.” For my money, it is the best book ever written on how to use metaphors to sell, to explain, and to win people over. Anne understands and teaches this information better than anyone else I’ve ever seen.
She’s also a coach, speaker and seminar leader. Her huge client list ranges from Columbia University and The Wall Street Journal to Revlon, Citibank and Yahoo. As well as clients in Australia, South America, Europe and Asia. Dozens and dozens of household names and major niche organizations.
For us in the copywriting world, Anne’s expertise in creating and using metaphors is what excites me the most. Many copywriters and business owners use metaphors, but not too many people do it all that well. And that’s about to change today.
Anne covers a lot of ground on today’s show. Here’s what I ask her:
1. What is a metaphor, anyway?
2. Why are metaphors so important?
3. You have a very handy four-step metaphor workout. Could you share it with us?
4. What are the main ways we can use metaphors in communication?
5. Could we talk about a few different kinds of metaphors, with examples
6. How about which mistakes you should avoid when using metaphors?
You can get in touch with Anne on her website:
Here’s the link to her book, The Tall Lady With The Iceberg:
Keywords: metaphors copywriting