The 10 Commandments of Compelling Offers, with Joshua Lee Henry
Published by: David Garfinkel on 01-16-2023
Our returning champion is Joshua Lee Henry, the high-powered copywriter and copy chief. You might remember him from a few months ago when he gave a tremendous interview on putting together compelling leads.
Today, he’s back with The 10 Commandments of Compelling Offers. Not surprising, since 12 years ago, Joshua was a pastor for a megachurch with more than 5,000 members. It was at that time he began is copywriting career, writing fundraising letters for victims of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Fast forward to 2018, when Joshua started freelancing and wrote for big names including Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy and the Zig Ziglar corporation.
Like a lot of high-performing copywriters, Joshua moved under the umbrella of Agora, where he has written promotions that have made millions. These days, he is copy chief for Money & Markets, an imprint of Agora’s Banyan Hill company.
The last time he was here, after he gave us great information about leads, I asked Joshua if he had more that he’d like to share. He has a very busy schedule, but he managed to squeeze in some time for us, to talk about compelling offers.
He started by giving us some important pinpointing information about how detailed and elaborate your offer can be. But he emphasized that the more of these commandments you combine, the stronger your offer is.
The first commandment covers what you get, but it’s way beyond a laundry list of the components that make up the package of what you’re selling. Joshua shared some techniques to strengthen the “WYG” (what you get).
Second, third and fourth commandments go into great (and valuable!) detail about explaining the price. Putting $(number) in your copy just ain’t gonna cut it, as you undoubtedly know if you’ve been writing long-form direct response copy for specialized offers. Joshua gave some powerful tips about presenting price justification, payment terms and special discounts.
He also gave strong examples of price-related copy from successful offers across the web.
And the fifth command is a detailed breakdown of bonuses and premiums—what they are and how they work. Some new ideas as well as some important established truths it always helps to be reminded of.
Joshua went into so much detail that we only had time for five of the 10 commandments on today’s show. He promised to come back next week to give us the remaining five.
Joshua is one of the instructors in the World of Financial Copywriting program. You can get more info about it here:
And if you want to reach Joshua personally, his email is:
Keywords: agora copywriting