Irresistible Content, with Scott Aughtmon
Published by: David Garfinkel on 02-20-2023
Today we’ve got an urgent topic that everyone in copywriting has questions about—and we’ve got an expert to give us some much-needed guidance.
The topic is content. What do you do with it. When does it replace copy… when is it inappropriate… and when does content blend with copy and actually enhance the selling power?
And our expert is Scott Aughtmon, founder of Direct Response Content Marketing. Full disclosure: Scott and I have been friends for a while, and he invite me to speak at a marketing class he was teaching at UC Berkeley six years ago.
These days, Scott does a lot of marketing work in the tech space.
He’s also the author of the book “51 Content Marketing Hacks” and created an infographic called “21 Types Of Content We Crave.” That infographic has gone viral, and we’re going to talk about a few of those types today, and give you a link at the end to get the full list.
Scott told us how and why he got into content marketing, and a little bit about the surprising history of the infographic.
If you overlook the importance of content every step of the way in your sales funnels, you’ll want to hear what Scott had to say, because he understands the value of content in a direct response context, and explains it better than anyone else I’ve ever heard.
Scott reviewed five of the 21 items in the infographic, and we discussed why people crave them:
• Content that reminds us there’s more
• Content that inspires us to action
• Content that reminds us we matter
• Content that educates while entertaining us
• Content that creates a fresh point of views, even about common things
You can get a free copy of Scott’s infographic here:
And you can get his training on the 31 Types of Content We All Crave for $79 (instead of $99) and free PDF copy of his book, 51 Content Marketing Hacks.
Offer good until midnight on 3/31. Here’s the link:
Keywords: Direct Response Content Marketing