New Opportunities in Financial Copywriting, with Joshua Lee Henry
Published by: David Garfinkel on 07-10-2023
Our returning champion is Joshua Lee Henry, the high-powered copywriter and
copy chief. He should be a familiar name and face to you by now, with his four great previous appearances on the show.
He’s talked about writing leads and offers. And he even did the first and only guest Old Masters Series on this show, about John Caples.
Joshua has a very impressive copywriting background and is currently copy chief for Money and Markets, an imprint of Agora’s Banyan Hill company.
Today’s show with Joshua is a little different. Instead of tips on writing copy, to be blunt, we’re talking about jobs.
As you may have noticed, the copywriting world is in a very uncertain state. A perplexing economy that is roaring along as more and more people are just hanging on by their fingernails is one reason for the uncertainty.
Another is the rapid growth of AI, especially ChatGPT. Will it replace human copywriters, many people wonder?
Well, not in the financial copywriting space, at least not this year. All you have to do is listen to what Joshua has to say. If you know what to look for and where to look, you’ll find there are opportunities galore right now.
Joshua begins by telling us about SEVEN financial publishers who are hiring copywriters right now. Some of these companies are huge.
He also tells us about a public financial newsletter company whose stock is up 60% since January.
So things are definitely popping in financial copywriting. Again, as I said, if you know what to look for and where to look.
The readers (or potential new readers) of these newsletters are numerous. In the tens of millions.
Joshua shares some hands-on, real-world tips for getting your foot in the door at the financial publishers.
And, for listeners and viewers of Copywriters Podcast only, he’s making a special offer for a training program called The World Of Financial Copywriting. As of today enrollment is closed, but they are opening up registration again for the next five days from the day we release this podcast. And you can get a big discount, using this link:
Keywords: financial copywriting