Response-Boosting Pre-Launches, With Brenna McGowan
Published by: David Garfinkel on 01-08-2024
When you start a launch, do ripples of fear tie your
stomach up in knots, because you feel like you’re
starting from zero and you feel you’ve got way too far
to go, and not enough time to get there?
It’s a common problem, and one today’s guest set out to solve. Brenna McGowan is a launch strategist, copywriter and the creator of what she calls “Anticipation Marketing.”
She’s developed a system so the water is warm even before you jump in to start your launch. She has a complete pre-launch strategy that comes before the launch, and her clients have tripled and even quadrupled sales as a result of using the pre-launch approach Brenna recommends.
I was introduced to Brenna by Joshua Lee Henry, who you’ll remember from many shows he’s been on here. Joshua Lee told me that Brenna read my book The Persuasion Story Code and told Joshua Lee that many of story types mentioned in the book were central to her pre-launch strategy, which she’s going to tell us about today.
To get Brenna’s pre-launch cheat sheet, go here:
Keywords: product launch sales copy