Joe Sugarman Seminar Highlight Reel - Old Masters Series
Published by: David Garfinkel on 03-04-2024
One of the first two books I devoured and then recommended to people who bought my course was by Old Master Joe Sugarman, who passed away two years ago. The book was called “Advertising Secrets of the Written Word.”
Just about everything in that book is valid today, and Sugarman writes like a friendly human being, not an imposing overlord of advertising. It’s a very easy book to read, but it is chock-full of detailed, high-powered value.
Today, as we continue our streak of Old Masters Series episodes, we’re going to talk about the book and talk about Joe.
The good news is, the whole book is available for less than half of what I paid for it in 1999. And I marvel at how much good stuff he was able to get in there.
We’re going to cover some of his most important points today.
(same book, new title, better price):
The Adweek Copywriting Book, by Joe Sugarman:
My new book, The Persuasion Story Code:
Keywords: copywriting Old Masters Series