Showmanship Not Salesmanship, With Donnie Bryant
Published by: David Garfinkel on 04-01-2024
For years, copywriters have been bowing down to a pivotal moment in copywriting history when John E. Kennedy revealed to Albert Lasker that advertising is, in fact, nothing more than “salesmanship in print.”
That happened in Chicago in the early 1900s.
Today, a modern-day copywriting visionary from Chicago, Donnie Bryant, says it’s time to update the definition.
Donnie is our returning champion. He was on a couple months ago to talk about his great new book, Subject Line Science.
But this time, he’s got a new idea that may stop you in your tracks.
Donnie knows whereof he speaks. He has generated over $130 million in sales for his clients, which include Agora Financial, Dan Kennedy’s GKIC and Early to Rise.
And he has shared the stage with copy legends like Parris Lampropolous, Clayton Makepeace and the other David, David Deutsch.
We take a deep dive into Donnie’s stunning new idea today.
Donnie’s Book, Subject Line Science:
Keywords: advanced copywriting techniques