Confidence in Copywriting
Published by: David Garfinkel on 08-05-2024
It’s a double-edged word that doesn’t get talked about enough.
And that word is: confidence.
It definitely has a bad connotation, as in “con artist” or “confidence man.”
But on the flip side, and with a different meaning, it’s a very important, positive word.
I would say in some very straight-laced business circles, it’s the only emotion you can talk about
freely without raising eyebrows or causing questions about your strength and resolve.
Most important of all, though, is that confidence can make the crucial difference between failure
and success in copywriting. At three levels: The copywriter level, the client level, and the
customer level.
We’ve talked about confidence before on this show, but only in passing.
Today we’re going to stand still and focus just on confidence and copywriting.
The Persuasion Story Code:
Keywords: making people feel confident in your offer