How To Find The Elusive Hidden Benefit
Published by: David Garfinkel on 10-07-2024
Ever wonder how to set yourself, your product, or your business apart?
It’s a big puzzle these days.
The best general advice I’ve heard is from recent podcast guest Scott Zetlan:
“Different is better than better.”
It almost sounds silly, but in the super-competitive marketplace, where products live in the real world, it’s not silly at all.
It’s actually profound.
Because here’s what it means:
When you can show something DIFFERENT about what you’re offering that MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE to your prospect, you have just increased your chances MASSIVELY of making a sale.
Now, the problem is:
What kind of difference will appeal above all others to your prospect, and how do you use it to describe your product?
I have an answer to that question. And a method to find out what that difference is.
The Persuasion Story Code:
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Keywords: features vs benefits