How Do You Know If Your Copy’s Any Good?
Published by: David Garfinkel on 11-18-2024
Once you’ve finished your copy, the anxiety begins.
And it almost always boils down to the answer to this question:
How good is this copy–really?
When people ask me to critique their copy, they’re often amazed at how quickly I can get to the heart of things.
Once I have an overall opinion, I’ll drill down to a lot of specifics.
But I think it’s important today not to talk about those specifics, but instead to talk about that quick take.
How do you know if it’s any good to begin with?
I’m going to give you useful answers to three questions today:
1. How can you get a quick sense of whether copy will convert or fall flat?
2. What mistakes do newbie copywriters make that immediately signal they still have a lot to learn?
3. How do you develop the ability to have a gut feeling on whether copy will work or not?
Link to AI Copywriting Mastermind:
Keywords: editing judging copywriting