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What Copywriters Need To Know About Design, with Lori Haller

Published by: David Garfinkel on 03-03-2025

One of the greatest insiders in direct response today is not primarily a copywriter, but a graphic designer.

Actually, our returning champion Lori Haller is a designer… and so much more.

She works side by side with many of the greatest copywriters of our time to help create control-beating packages, for clients like Boardroom, Healthy Directions, Dr. Al Sears, Nutri-Health, KCI Communications, and Agora.

She has coached clients around the world, and she is an in-demand speaker and trainer.

I’ve only scratched the surface of Lori’s incredible and long list of credentials. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who knows more or who has done more.
Her company, DesigningResponse, based in Germantown, Maryland, has built a reputation for creating award-winning, sales-generating direct mail, online promotions, space advertising, and product development.
Today she’s going to share some of her secrets for using design to get better conversions from your copy.

Here is what we asked her:

1. You are well known for saying “Copy is King, Design is Queen.” Could you talk about that?

2. Help us understand the importance of what needs to go at the top of a sales page. What are the key elements and the reason for designing that way?

3. Could you walk us through what you do in your three-part copy review. (take your time and be as thorough with this answer as you like)

4. I’ve heard that you have an approach where the design can force the reader to go through the copy in a certain sequence. How does that work?

5. How do you match images with the people who will be reading the copy?

6. As a designer, what do you do to get into the prospect’s head?

7. Summing up, what are the top three or four things a copywriter should know and remember about the role of design?


Lori’s website:

Lori’s videos:

Keywords: copywriting design

Garfinkel Coaching



