Episode 079 - Copywriting for Business Owners
Published by: David Garfinkel on 10-22-2018
Today our special guest is Debbie Owen, who has her own podcast, The Sales Page Podcast, and is a book-launch strategist and freelance copywriter. She’s agreed to give us a crash course for business owners in writing copy that brings in business.
Here are the main topics she addresses:
1. What is the most important thing a business owner should start with when they think about writing copy for a sales page?
2. Many business owners try to write copy that creates a desire for the product or service they offer. What’s wrong with this approach?
3. How do you write copy for a sales page that addresses the prospect’s level of problem awareness?
4. What are some typical sales page copy mistakes business owners make when they write their own copy?
Debbie's Website
Keywords: coaching consulting copywriting