Episode 088 - Copywriting MasterClass With Parris Lampropoulos
Published by: David Garfinkel on 12-24-2018
Parris Lampropoulos is one of the few true A-List copywriters in the world, and he is a much sought-after teacher of copywriting as well.
This special one-hour session with Parris is a veritable masterclass. He reveals the subtle psychology and strategies behind a sales letter that trounced the previous control and went on to run for over 7 years.
At the bottom of this page, you’ll receive a link to download this historic piece of copywriting excellence that Parris explains in granular — yet, easy-to-understand — detail.
Never before on the Copywriters Podcast have we had such an intricate and valuable breakdown of a multi-million-dollar winner. Every copywriter and marketer should pay close attention to the wisdom and street-smarts Parris reveals here, for you can use some or many of the techniques he explains, to vastly improve the performance of any promotion you have currently running, or planned for the future.
Download the PDF Here
Keywords: Parris Lampropoulos health industry secrets