Mastermind Groups: The Inside Story
Published by: David Garfinkel on 12-09-2019
Our guest today comes to us through the magic of the Internet from Galicia, Spain — and he knows a lot about mastermind groups.
Whether you know what a mastermind group is or not, you’ll know more about that today. And I think you’ll quickly see why they’re important for direct response copywriters and direct response business owners.
Stan is the organizer and co-host of the Platinum Mastermind Group with John Carlton, the legendary copywriter who was on this show a couple of months ago. But Stan’s done a lot of other things, out in the business world, too.
In a past life, he designed and helped bring to life cutting-edge information systems for the likes of like Wells Fargo, Exxon, Starbucks, and even the US Air Force and NATO.
Over the last 10 years, working with Carlton, Stan launched the Simple Writing System copywriting training program, and a bunch of other things including the Platinum Mastermind.
These days, Stan’s major focus in business is helping clients build and activate funnels that actually work, and bring in the bucks.
1. Stan, thanks for being here. You’ve got a lot of experience on this topic, but for our listeners who aren’t really sure, can we start at a very basic level: What is a mastermind group, and how do they work in general?
2. What’s the best thing you’ve ever seen come out of a mastermind group, in terms of a win for a member?
3. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen come out a mastermind group, in terms of a fail for a member?
4. You’ve attended a lot of mastermind groups, plus you’ve handled the nuts and bolts of the Platinum Mastermind for a decade. Could you talk about what you’ve seen that works, in terms of the way mastermind groups are set up and the way they’re run, and what doesn’t work?
5. This next question is for people brave enough to attempt to do what you do for every meeting: deal with hotels. Could you offer some suggestions and warnings?
6. Let’s say someone is thinking about joining, or starting, a mastermind group. What are the key questions they should ask, or maybe better, get answered, before they go ahead and pull the trigger?
7. Finally, give us the quick version of what the Platinum Mastermind is like, and how people can find out more about it?
More info about the Platinum Mastermind
You can contact Stan directly by email:
Keywords: master mind mastermind groups for copywriters